what golfers can expect |
Like most things COVID-19, everything is a different shade of gray and while we wait for this new document to be released, let's remember our golf course operators are working hard to remain open while balancing the ever shifting policies and outlines that come from not just the state, but also their individual health districts.
Failure to do so, may very well close the course. So.... please respect the process and the staff members as they are likely placed in an almost impossible position in this ever changing world we live in.
And remember....What is allowed at one golf course may not be allowed at another.
BUCKY'S BUNKER - PODCAST on frank worley |
 In this edition, Bucky Albers is joined by Dean Steele a friend of Frank Worley for over two decades.
They both reflect on the one of our most timeless wonders who left us in late April, Frank Worley
Link to Podcast
Returning to the Area - Cameron Williams |
Cameron, got his start at The Golf Center at Kings Island almost 10 years ago. He spent the rest of his time in the golf industry gaining experience at great clubs like Wetherington Golf and Country Club, Miami Valley Golf Club and Walden Ponds Golf Club. He has invested in his knowledge of the golf swing through certifications in Titleist Performance Institute (Golf, Junior, Fitness), Stack and Tilt, Kwon Biomechanics, and more.
He attributes his his success to the great golf professionals who have helped him along the way. Andy Horn, Steve Nelson, Bryan Conner, Sonny Rinala, and Larry Herrmann.
He is returning to Miami Valley Golf Club and will be an intercal in helping the MVGC with it's new direction. |
Welcome to the May 2020 issue of the Ohio Golf Journal. Be sure to click on the links to get the full multi-media impact of the information provided. ENJOY!
Click on the cover to get started or go to our website, Ohio Golf Journal. Let's get back to (golf) business! Inside you'll find: LPGA Commissioner, Michael Whan is the BEST in the business. Ed Travis paints a picture of what golf will look like after COVID-19. |
Is your GHIN Membership currently inactive? Meaning can you currently post scores? Clearly there are plenty of reasons you may not be active. However, if you indeed intend to renew and would like to avoid all social distancing concerns you may do so online.
When you join online just choose the facility that you traditionally play or join eClub if you are not affiliated with a golf course and all the back end actions happen automatically.
It's easy, safe and a great way to help support our game!
Thanks for your consideration! |
With no golf on television yet, and no way to travel to distant locations to play. Our weekend golf fix comes from Oakmont CC and features Jack Nicklaus's first US Open Victory in 1962
Enjoy ! Link to Video |
Golf Fitness - sway - the hip killer |
A sway is any excessive lower body lateral movement away from the target during the backswing. If we aren’t rotating around the hip but moving laterally it will cause the pelvis to side bend and anterior tilt excessively which just loads the hip and dramatically reduces the intra-articular space in the hip. If you do this enough it will most certainly lead to hip complications down the road.
Mobility restrictions with hip internal rotation, ankle eversion, thoracic spine extension/rotation, tibial internal rotation, or stability limitations in the hip or “core” can all be factors leading to the sway characteristic. That’s a long list of possibilities. Of course I will always say you need to get screened to find out what you need to work on, but here’s some correctives for a couple of the most common restrictions. Hip Mobility - https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Cx8C2gcDD/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Thoracic Mobility - https://www.instagram.com/p/CALbg-sgMSF/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link |
Dr. Nick Curry is a chiropractor that is also certified through the highly esteemed Titleist Performance Institute as a medical, fitness, and junior golf wellness professional. He is the owner of Integrative Health and Sports Performance in Bellbrook and serves at the Team Chiropractor to Wright State and Miami Universities. To Visit his their Website |

Attend an Online Certification Class The Online Certification consists of four educational video segments, with each segment made available after the previous one has been viewed. After all segments have been completed an Open Book, 20 question quiz will take place with 16 or more correct answers needed to attain Certification.
You can take this quiz as many times as you like to achieve certification. To Take Start the Process In case you need your Club # | |
Visit our World Handicap Resources Pages Visit and Find all our Typo's on Miami Valley Golf Watch Some of Our Video's on our YouTube Channel |
Please keep in mind that everyone is coming to terms with our new normal and it is ever evolving, so please be patient with operators, their staffs and each other so that we can all continue to enjoy this great game as we enter our new season! |
Score Posting Questions |
Send Additional Questions to info@mvgolf.org |
Q: If I don't hole out in the "Traditional Sense" do I still post my score ? |
A: Yes,While in all of these instances, the ball is not holed per the Rules of Golf (Rule 3.3c), a round played under these conditions will result in an acceptable score for handicap purposes using the most likely score guidelines (see Rule 3.3 of the Rules of Handicapping). |
Q: How can I post my score if the clubhouse is closed ? |
A: Given the current concerns of spreading the Coronavirus, we are recommending that you use the USGA-GHIN Mobile Appor post through our siteor ghin.com. This is also a good recommendation moving forward and we will likely begin phasing out our Scoring Kiosks wherever possible to avoid future contaminations. |
Q: I can't post a score as it says I'm inactive and I can't go into the Golf Shop to renew. |
A: You can renew at almost all of our Public Access Facilities by following this link and selecting where you play the most golf |
when to NOT post your scores |
March 15th signaled the start of the New Score Posting Season in the Miami Valley. Here are a few things to remember when it comes to NOTposting your score. All other times you should!
So, don't post your score....
- When your score can’t be verified by another person
- While being coached on the course
- When you play using non-conforming clubs, non-conforming balls, or non-conforming tees;
- When you don't play the required number of holes, Less than 6 for 9, less than 14 for 18. For the holes you haven’t played, you post net par for the hole.
- And when you are not playing your own ball — scrambles, shambles or foursomes (alternate shot).
And remember...A key tenet of the World Handicap System is that it is based on the fact that a you will try to make the best score at every hole in every round. So you post just about everything and that includes scores when you play Preferred Lies or adapting to modified Holes due to the Coronavirus ! |
About our Banner: Contestants of the 2016 US Women's Am Playoff playoff at Walnut Grove CC. Eight Players for Three Positions - Playoff Scores |
Answer to our Trivia Question: Bob Shave, Jr. - Link to All Winners |
Association Play Dates will be added and Distributed as Dates, Fees and Restrictions are Confirmed. June 22 - NEW DATE - Ohio Amateur Qualifier still at NCR CC - Info or Entry July 23 - 26 - Metropolitan Championship - Piqua CC - Info- Hopefully will Open Shortly
Ohio Golf Journal The Fried Egg The Morning Read Global Golf Post From the Short Grass Archive |
Bucky's Bunker Golfers Journal TalkinGolf The Shotgun Start The Fried Egg No Laying Up 18 Strong- Golf Fitness
To become a Partner for 2020 please email steve@mvgolf.org |