Using Email with Golf Genius |
- Communicating with your golfers can
always be a challenge regardless of the method used. Weather its by sending
emails, texting, or phone calls this is often a time-consuming task. Provided
you have taken the time when setting up your Master/Event Roster to include
both email address and cell phone numbers, Golf Genius provides a quick and time
efficient alternative when sending either emails or text messages. The software system provides extensive
support for using email to communicate with players. As a manager, you control
when, how, and what emails are sent. To email players, we need accurate email
addresses in the system. If players are added to events and leagues from
your Master Roster, ensure that up-to-date player emails are in
your master roster. If you want to upload players to an event or
league via spreadsheet, ensure that their email addresses are in the
spreadsheet. Below is a list of scenarios where emails are used in the Golf Genius system. Send custom emails to players: Compose and send custom emails (e.g., rain delay, event information, the link to the event portal, event results, etc) to any players you would like using our Email Composer. Round Signup Invitations: If managing a league, you can email round invitations for players to sign up for rounds in the league. Automated Emails: There are many automated emails players can receive due to an action they have taken. Some examples would include event registration confirmation, signing up for a round, and cancelling event registration. You can manage and customize these automated emails using our Email Configuration feature Email Tee Sheet: Email a round's tee sheet to all the players in the event/league or only players confirmed for that specific round. This can be done by going to Rounds > Email Tee Sheet. Registering Players to the Portal: Players can be registered to event portals, which gives them full access to the information on the portal. In some cases, registering players to the event portals is not necessary. |